Wednesday, March 29, 2017


You should file an application for Social Security disability benefits as soon as you have a disabling condition that is expected to keep you off work for at least 12 consecutive months or more.

QUESTION:  I've heard about waiting periods.  Is there a certain time I need to wait before I file?

ANSWER:  No.  If you expect to be unable to work for at least 12 consecutive months because of a serious physical or mental medical condition, you should file now.

There are two primary dangers in waiting to file your application.  One, time is obviously wasted.  Social Security is a S-L-O-W process, so don't waste unnecessary time by failing to file promptly.  Two, Social Security insured status can expire after you stop working.  If you lose your insured status because you waited too long to file, it can be difficult or impossible to get benefits.

How Can I File A Disability Claim?

1. You may contact your local Social Security office to file.  

2.  You may file online at  Click on the Disability tab and it will guide you to the application.

3.  You may get an attorney or non-attorney representative to help you file.  They cannot charge you a fee just for filing the application.    


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